วันเสาร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554


My weekend was spent with girl scouts and their moms at The Rawhide Ranch. In all honesty, I was not at all looking forward to it. I'm so glad that I went. It was such a great way to spend time with Charlotte, and watching her learn so much about horsemanship, in such a short period of time, brought tears to my eyes (she was vaulting by day two = gymnastics on a barebacked horse . Crazy.) If you live in the Southern California area, I highly recommend spending a weekend or more here. 


some shots from the weekend.......

This was my packing. I figured I'd be bored out of my mind. I never cracked open one of these magazines. ( I also never wore the faux fur vest- too hot )

The ranch's 'campus': Ye Olde Western Towne ( a little like a sound stage, totally fun for the girls to peek into the windows )

wall details

  I needed a little alone time, and so snuck off to my car for a bit of dozing in the shade.

 Aren't these so cute?

 I guess these are called LaManchas. They have no, outer ear and I'm totally in love with them. I spent most of my time at the goat pen. I came home and announced to Nick that at some point, we need goats. They're SO CUTE. Kind of dog like.

I don't know what this is. It wouldn't fly it was just walking really fast. Definitely gets the best dressed award for the weekend.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Beachbungalow8/~3/5Z5F9P4UulU/yeehaw.html

modern style cool house house

