Jess's Tips for working from home:
1. Make the space work for you:
Jess says her kitchen was begging for an island, so she placed a large table there that doubles as a jewelry assembly station by day and a dining room and kitchen prep table after hours.
2. Dress for work:
Jess puts on a nice outfit with shoes when she's working. As for her space, she uses overhead lights during business hours, while pharmacy lamps atop cabinets and bookcases create a homey glow in the evenings. (I like this idea, however, living on a farm with muddy dogs means I only dress nicely for meetings or going out)
3. Separate storage:
To avoid seeing a stack of business receipts when she's looking for a recipe, Jess keeps her office supplies completely separate from her personal items. Each day her assistant wheels out a cart with the jewelry supplies and it's tucked away at night. (I think this is really important, to have all of your work supplies put away at the end of the day - however, I think I would rent a separate office space or get a bigger apartment before hiring an assistant - but that's me..)
via Rue Magazine
Source: http://decorology.blogspot.com/2011/05/most-pretty-little-space.html