There was the Kapsule chair by Karim Rashid whose womblike shape promised to hug this toddler's widdle bottom safely in place while teaching him, yes, to pick up his toys. (Its seat lifts up to reveal storage, available through Spacify). An accordion-shaped dresser from Posh Tots was equally creative while sending a message of appreciation for life's less-than-orderly moments. Then there was the classic, a little man's oh-so-comfy club chair upholstered in a chintz of planes, trains, and automobiles found, among other places, at Spoiled Rotten Too. But in the long contest to win Baby Wilcox's little heart (see our SLEEP WELL BABY post from August), it was the LouLou Ghost that won in the end.

Purchased at Kartell's North Robertson shop in West Hollywood, the chair was a big hit when we carried it?wrapped in a big bow?into the garden lounge of the Sunset Marquis. Positioned at the head of our table, a fellow guest even offered to buy the little guy a drink (juice, of course). Final satisfaction, however, came in the form of the above (top, left) photo courtesy of parents Dan and Maggie. Both hip and classic, this little treasure is a collectible piece of Stark-tacular style that Baby Wilcox can keep around forever, no matter how many soggy cheerios fall onto its seat in the meantime. No wonder he looks so relaxed.
Source: http://beautifulbonesdesign.blogspot.com/2010/02/and-winner-for-baby-wilcox-is.html